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Project ›› St Catharine College, Cambridge University

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St Catharine College, Cambridge University Overall view
  • working since
  • 2013
LEC up-lights St Catharine’s College, part of the University of Cambridge

The purpose of the lighting was as follows:
5716X Allevard-CN7-20 – to up-light the existing chapel in the court yard
5712X Albi-BN3-40X10E - To up-light small wall section of new college building
1750AK Bourgogne-BN-36 – Stair lighting
1830 Lucerne – Tree up-lighting

Specifier : R H Partnership – Cambridge
Photos credits : Woodhouse (UK)
see more
1750 - Bourgogne
1750 - Bourgogne

«Mini» version in the round flush recessed raking light range.



  • Highlight architectural features, street furniture, landscape...
  • Surface mounted lighting for cycle path, pedestrian path, stairs
  • Squares and public places

Colourless anodised machined aluminium body

See the product