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Project ›› Bridge in Saint-Gervais

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product(s) 5630 - Belval
Bridge in Saint-Gervais Overall view
  • working since
  • 2012

Lighting of the bridge in Saint-Gervais in numbers:

240 meters: the total length of the bridge
spanning the valley of Bonnant
170 meters: the scope without support
90 meters: the height of the gorge under the bridge
Width of 11.90 m
2 pavements (2 x 1.50 m wide)
2 traffic lanes (2 x 2.95 m wide)

No street lamp ... street lighting is provided by 200 x 300mm long lightbars LEC 5630 Belval

Project owner: SYANE + City of Saint-Gervais
Project executive: BE INFRAROUTE (Cluses)
Installer: Gramari (Passy)
Photos credits: Pascal Tournaire

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