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Project ›› Maréchal Rochambeau Square, Issy-les-Moulineaux

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Maréchal Rochambeau Square, Issy-les-Moulineaux Overall view
  • working since
  • 2011
Underneath a bridge located in Maréchal Rochambeau square, 529x 0320-Matosinhos blue spotlights were installed on a stainless steel panel to create a monochrome play-on-words animation: ICI C'EST ISSY - ISSY C'EST ICI which means: ISSY IT'S HERE - HERE IT'S ISSY. In French, the name of the town "Issy" has the same prononciation as the adjective "ici" ("here" in EN).

Specifier: Saunier et Associés
Photos credit: LEC
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