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  • News


  • 20 November 2020

    LEC in the spotligh !

    We are proud of this distinction! Tech Innove rewards dynamic companies that strive year-round to put their talents at the service of innovation.


    LEC has been defending this image of France on the move every day for more than 40 years.

  • 24 July 2019

    A new LEC agent down under

    Introducing Light Nation

    LEC chooses to work with leading lighting specialists around the world, and is pleased to be working with Light Nation in New Zealand.  Light Nation is part of a family owned company and has an in-depth knowledge of the local specification market. They focus on unique lighting solutions where high quality and reliability is a must.  With well over 20 years’ experience in lighting Light Nation is well placed to represent LEC products.

    To enquire about LEC product with Light Nation, contact sandford(at)

  • 31 January 2018

    LEC Expert Blog post!

    Waterproof LED Lights: Preventing Capillary Action in Power Supply Cables

    Waterproofing LED lights is not enough, their entire electrical installation needs to be sealed. A lamp may be certified according to IP67 or IP68, but when it comes to the installation and connections, things are not that simple.

    Read the article

  • 06 November 2017

    Looking back at an incredible lighting contribution

    Les Deux Plateaux at the Palais-Royal in Paris

    As we celebrate our 40th birthday, we look back at our 40 years devoted to lighting with Daniel Buren, the mind behind Les Deux Plateaux at the Palais-Royal in Paris.

  • 10 September 2017

    LEC will be at PLDC from Nov. 1-4, 2017

    From 1 to 4 November 2017, LEC was at the Professional Lighting Design Convention in Paris (PLDC).

    We sponsored the ‘Synesthesia’ Experience Room, designed by Quartiers Lumières: an original and unique sensory experience centred around light. The perfect opportunity to speak about your upcoming projects!

  • 24 August 2017

    LEC at the Open Light Festival IHME VISION in Hanover

    Next September, Friday 8th and Saturday 9th, 2017, LEC will take part in the Open Light Festival "IHME VISION" in Hanover, Germany.

    An event that focuses on films, video art and illuminations.

  • 18 May 2017

    LEC renews its ISO certifications

    LEC passes successfully the European ISO certifications for:

    > ISO 9001 in quality
    > ISO 14001 in environment
    > ISO 14062 in eco-design.

    You want to find out more about it? Please contact us.


  • 06 April 2017

    Catenary LED lighting in Lyon

    The City of Lyon offers an overhead catenary LED lighting on Joséphin Soulary street in Lyon.

    Jérôme Donna, Public Lighting Department of the City of Lyon, in charge of the project, tells us more about it here.

  • 24 January 2017

    In 2017, LEC turns 40!

    Let’s revisit 40 years of LED history and LEC lighting projects

    In 1977, LEC focused all its energy into LED technology. A gamble which paid off when it came to meeting strict specifications for reliability, energy efficiency, maintenance and aesthetics. On this birthday, learn about and discover 40 years of LED history and LEC lighting projects.

    A look back at 40 years of LED history and LEC lighting projects

    It’s now been 40 years that LEC has been closely following LED’s development, from its infancy to its appreciation by major clients. LEC has been lucky enough to meet its pioneers, with whom it has developed custom products which have become standard, always paying the utmost attention to norms and quality.

    For 40 years, the LEC team’s greatest satisfaction has come through making its clients happy. Whether they be light designers, directors of public lighting or architects, LEC’s goal has been to offer the fitted LED marker or outdoor luminaire that matches every one of their requirements.

    This anniversary provides the opportunity to thank them for the loyalty, without which LEC would never have participated in such trailblazing and prestigious projects around the world.

    Get ready for surprises throughout this 2017 birthday year.

    The publication of an art book in March will mark the first celebration of this birthday. It will feature testimonials from guest speakers whose audacity has helped advance LED outdoor lighting and who have entrusted their projects to LEC in the last 40 years.

    All the valued interviews from LEC’s birthday book will be posted throughout the year as part of the expert series on the LEC Expert blog.

    Get ready for a year full of surprises...

    Do you also have a challenging outdoor lighting project for this year?
    Ask to be contacted.

    We are delighted to celebrate these 40 years with you, and we thank you for your trust!


  • 24 August 2016

    Our 2017 Products brochure now available!

    Yet again, we have designed and developed new lighting products to meet with the specifiers' creativity based on our LED knowledge and expertise for almost 40 years now.

    Our 2017 issue offers you a wide range of LED luminaires as well as specific products designed to serve your most creative projects.

    To view the issue, click here.

    You can also request a hard copy to your favorite regional manager or fill in our online form to receive a copy.

    Enjoy the reading!